The Passover was an event of such significance that the Israelite’s reset their lunar calendar and marked time by it (Exodus 12:2).  God rescued his people and formed them into a nation and at the same time he showed the Egyptians and the world at large his power and might.
The Passover would continue to define God’s people as they lived in varying levels of trust and obedience to him for 1500 years.  They were free to live as God’s people, under his rule and in his promised land – but at the same time they suffered from another kind of slavery.  A slavery to their own sinful selfish natures.  This required another kind of rescue – a rescue from sin that only Jesus Christ can bring.  His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary superseded the Passover and again reset the calendar because of its enormous significance.  Have you placed your trust in Jesus Christ to receive the rescue and freedom from sin that he offers?