On Wednesday 27th March, I left home early for a training day in the city.  When I left, there was an empty paddock next door, but when I returned home an entire Church and Sunday school building had magically appeared (see the process below in a time lapse video).
It is truly wonderful to see the answer to decades of planning and prayer for this next phase in the life of God’s Church in Wilton.  Bob told me on Tuesday that he remembers plans for a new demountable Church on the wall in Wilton more than 20 years ago.  The women’s Bible study have been faithfully collecting coins for years towards this project.  This is a project that has been underway since the time the Boardman’s arrived in Wilton in early 2016.
Now we have the opportunity and responsibility to ensure that a faithful ministry of the people of God can continue to grow and flourish in this place.  We each need to take responsibility to commit to proclaiming new life in Christ, to growing others up in him, and to living in love for our brothers and sisters and our community.  We each need to commit to praying that these facilities will be a platform for gospel ministry and the growth of God’s kingdom to establish and build the next generation of God’s Church in Wilton.

Timelapse video of installation of Wilton Anglican Church building (approx 1 minute)