What do you want for your friends and colleagues? A fun life full of adventure and achievement? A big house and a comfortable retirement? They can achieve all those things and still wind up facing hell and the judgement of God at the end. What do you want for your children or grandchildren? Success in their careers and in their relationships? To afford the Australian dream of a house of their own? They can achieve all this and still wind up facing hell and the judgement of God at the end. Life is long, but eternity is far longer. Let’s pray and strive to help our friends and family know Jesus, that they might have full life in him now, and eternal life to come. But how can we help our friends and family, our children and grandchildren come to know Jesus? That’s where our ‘Growing Conversations about Jesus’ course comes in. Over the next 4 Thursdays we’ll consider how to prepare the soil, plant the gospel seeds, water the soil and grow and nourish the gospel message in the lives of our friends in gentle and loving ways. Be equipped to make an eternal impact on the lives of those around you – and start now in praying that God might be at work in their hearts to put their faith in Jesus.
Blessings, Ben
Join us Thursdays 10am at St Mark’s, Picton, or 7pm at Wilton Church starting tomorrow 6th February.