Author: Ben (Page 19 of 36)

Church Plans for 2021 Sydney Lockdown

Click here to view our reopening plans (back to Church 31 October 2021)

Greater Sydney (including Wollondilly) is under a ‘Stay at Home’ Orders.  I’m sure this has frustrated many of your plans (as it has ours) and is difficult news to hear.  We won’t allow these orders to stop us from fellowshipping together, although it will have to be online.

Here is the plan for this season:
1) We’ll have only ONE Church service, 9:30am livestreamed on our Youtube Channel:  You will be able to comment on the ‘live chat’ to interact with us and each other.  However, please be mindful that this ‘live chat’ is a public space and we have no control over who else might be watching or commenting.  If you can’t make the livestream at 9:30am you can always watch it later in the day.

2) After the service, we’ll have an informal Zoom gathering, with the opportunity to chat in small groups and for the kids to play some games together in a ‘kids room’.  Please click on this Zoom link to join this meeting:

We’ll be sure to communicate our plans as things develop.  Thanks for your prayers and understanding.

Yours in Christ,

God Asks the Questions

Job is a book that raises more questions than answers.  God’s speeches in the final chapters of the book consist of a long series of questions.  I counted 72 question marks in my English Bible.  These questions range from ‘Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge?’ to ‘Do you know when the mountain goats give birth?’ and ‘Do you send the lightning bolts on their way?’
One of the main purposes of the book of Job is to put us humans back in our place and to give us realistic expectations of life.  We cannot expect to understand everything about life or the mind and purposes of God in his dealings with us.
However, when Job is humbled and repents, we find his fortunes are restored.  This reinforces our understanding of God whom Mary describes as ‘lifting up the humble’ (Luke 1:52).  We can’t expect to receive this restoration of fortunes in this life, but we do know that God has promised us resurrection eternal life in Christ that will be more than we can ever dream of.
We will not always understand the mind and works of God, but we can trust that he is working of our good, and we can in patience wait upon his faithfulness.
If you’ve missed part of the Job preaching series, you can always catch up here:
Yours in Christ,

Life is Mission

I’m so excited to have Kevin and Karen Flanagan with us this weekend!  What a joy and privilege it has been to partner with them as they share the gospel and equip God’s leaders in Tanzania.
The most inspiring moment for me was when Kevin and Karen joined us for a Zoom prayer meeting in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.  When asked whether they were looking to come home to Australia they shrugged their shoulders and said no.  They were planning to stay in Tanzania, come what may.  If God were to give them an early mark to heaven then so be it.
However, we ought not idolise our link missionaries as if they had some additional calling or level of spirituality beyond ourselves.  We too are called to take up our cross daily and follow Jesus.  We too are called to make the most of every opportunity and be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ!
Mission is not something exclusive to Africa, or some other exotic place.  Mission is our everyday life as Christians representing Christ in our families, workplaces, schools, soccer clubs, retirement homes etc…
Join me in this prayer:  ‘Lord, give me opportunities to share the hope I have in Christ, and give me the boldness and words to say.  Lord, may my life and words bring glory to my Saviour Jesus Christ.  Amen’
Yours in Christ,

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Christmas Service Times: 24 Dec 7pm @ Wilton, 9am 25 Dec at Picton and at Wilton. More details:

Wilton Carols 2024

Easter Service Times - come celebrate Easter with us!

Sundays 9am @ Picton; 10am and 5pm @ Wilton (both with Kids Program). Also livestreamed on YouTube.