Author: Ben (Page 3 of 36)

He Wants All People to Be Saved

“This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim 2:3-4) 

Who doesn’t want all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth!? 

By the time the suburban sprawl around us is winding down – we’ll be the local Anglican Church for over 50,000 people! If you too feel the weight of gospel and love for your neighbours, then let’s join together in our biggest challenge and in the adventure of our lives. 

Let’s not shy away, comfortable in our own homes and church buildings, and quiet about our wonderful life in Christ. Let’s embrace the all-of-life mission that God has called us to. Let’s decide now, to strive together in God’s work to make the meaning of Christ’s death and resurrection known to all 50000 people.

So, what do you say? You in?

– Scott Williams (assistant minister)


In January a group of our teenagers and some of our youth leaders went away to the Leaders in Training Conference (LIT). They came back enthusiastic and equipped to serve at Church, to teach the Bible and to encourage others in their life in Christ.

One of the youth was so excited about a seminar on youth and kids ministry that she wanted everyone else at Church to experience it for themselves. So we’ve invited Amanda Grace, the children’s minister at Shellharbour Anglican to run her seminar at Wilton Anglican Church this Sunday afternoon (16th June). We’ll be having lunch together at 12:30pm, followed by the seminar 1-3pm.

Amanda is passionate about children’s ministry and will be running a very practical seminar with lots of tips and tricks to help us in our ministry to children and youth. It’s so important for us to be investing in the next generation of disciples of Jesus Christ and I’m super proud of the team of leaders running our Kids and Youth Ministry: from SRE teachers, to mid-week group leaders to our Kings Kids programme! It’s a big effort and I know many of you put in a lot of hard work preparing and leading each week – thankyou! I pray you see the fruits of your ministry in a new generation of disciples growing up to know and follow Jesus Christ as Lord!

Everyone is welcome to the training seminar, but you need to RSVP to Jake so we can cater for everybody.

Yours in Christ,


SRE Update and Opportunity

Did you know that every week nearly a thousand children and youth in our local public schools are taught about God’s love for them in Christ and how to live as his disciples?
It’s an incredible joy to be part of this ministry myself, and also to see our volunteers faithfully and joyfully preparing and teaching in these classes. 
This year at Picton High School the Year 7, 8 and 9 classes have had a steadily growing attendance as they have learned about the Big Picture of the Bible and also about the life and work of Christ through the gospel of Mark. The lunchtime group have been focussed on thinking about what real love is – understood through the sacrificial love of Christ!  Jake Berry has been doing a great job with these classes, along with his trainee, Miriam.  I hope that you have been praying for this work and will pray for Jake and Miriam.
I want to present you with a great opportunity to further support this work:
During June, any donation towards the Wollondilly Schools Ministry Board will not only be tax deductible (as it always is), the first $10,000 donated before 25th June will also be doubled by campaign backers!  That means if you donate $100, it will be matched by a $100 donation from our campaign backers, and you get a tax deductible receipt for your donation!
All donations will support Jake’s ongoing teaching of Picton High School SRE, as well as paying for Primary School SRE resources.
To donate, simply go to this website:
Yours in Christ,

Compassion Followup

A Word of Thanks from Spiro at Compassion Australia:

“Thank you Picton/Wilton Anglican churches for your ongoing gospel partnership, bringing joy to the children, families and churches of Samar in the Philippines. Since last Sunday you sponsored another three boys and one girl who will be cared for and discipled by two of your partner churches. Almost 40 children are now sponsored by members of your three congregations. The day was also an encouragement to our volunteer speaker Michael, who enjoyed his time of fellowship and appreciated your warmth and generosity. After this experience, he has indicated his willingness to volunteer more often.

In coming months we hope to confirm a trip to Samar so that you will have an opportunity to visit your children and partner churches. Your church partnership coordinator Debbie Stein will keep you informed. Thanks to Debbie and Ben as well for their continued support for our partnership.

Another 6 profiles are in the hands of potential sponsors. Please don’t feel pressured, there is no obligation to sponsor these children, but do remember the QR code will work until June 23rd, and then each unsponsored child’s profile will be released to one of our other partner countries in order to find a sponsor.

God is good and Christ’s people are generous.

Your co-worker in Christ,

Spiro Cassis, Church Partnerships Manager, Compassion Australia.”

(Spiro came to visit us last year – see his smiling face below (with his wife)


I just spent an hour praying on Zoom with 70 or so other Senior Ministers from Anglican Churches around Sydney.  Our Archbishop, Kanishka,  encouraged us from Isaiah 55 in these glorious words from verse 1:
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!  Come buy wine and milk without money and without cost.”
Prayer is so valuable because God is so powerful and he loves for us to call upon him, he loves to hear and answer our prayers.  Prayer is also great because it allows me to take my cares and worries off my own shoulders and cast them before the LORD.  Praying reminds me that I don’t have to micromanage and stress about every aspect of my life or yours – because ultimately, God is in control and he loves us.
Prayer can also realign me with God’s purposes.  When I’m praying, it prompts me to align my life and my energy with God.  It puts my trivial and foolish pursuits in perspective and helps me focus on what really matters.
So let me encourage you to pray right now – bring to God the concerns and troubles of your day – give thanks for the joys and blessings and ask him for help to live his way.
Our God is gracious and kind – he loves to feed us and fill us with the life-giving water of his Son, Jesus Christ, without cost and even when we don’t deserve it.
Yours in Christ,

Farewell Pulpit

This week we say farewell to the pulpit of St Mark’s – as we gift it to the Oaks Historical Society. 
Many a sermon was preached from its heights, many a member has looked up in reverence as they heard God’s Word proclaimed. 
The sermons will continue to be preached, and the Word of God will continue to be revered, but the pulpit has had its day and the modern preacher doesn’t want to be elevated.  It’s more than a decade since the pulpit was used – and we need the space.
There have been some marvellous and some funny moments in the pulpit of St Mark’s.  From the galloping parson, Thomas Hassall, who rode his horse over Razorback to preach in the mid 1800’s, to students of Picton High School who travelled in the bus to have their Scripture lessons at St Mark’s. 
At one point a button was wired into the pulpit to switch on a light by the organ console to alert the deaf organist that it was time to start the next hymn.  Unfortunately one very enthusiastic guest preacher thumped the pulpit so hard that they triggered the light and the organist started playing the hymn in the middle of his sermon.  He had no choice but to lead the congregation in singing the hymn, before returning to his message afterwards.
In a world of constant change, we need something to hold onto.  Don’t hold onto pulpits, hold onto Jesus.  The unchanging and glorious good news of Jesus Christ is our certain hope and joy in life and in eternity.
This Sunday, Scott will preach his sermon from the pulpit as a last hurrah.
Yours in Christ,

Violence and the Transforming Power of the Gospel

Paul and his companions experienced violence and persecution in Thessalonica when they first preached the gospel there.  In fact, they had to escape at night from a rioting mob, opposed to their teaching that Jesus is the Messiah (Acts 17).  In a week where Sydney has experienced at least three incidents of gross violence, you might feel anxious or uncertain about our society. 
But in the midst of severe suffering the Thessalonians were filled with joy in the gospel.  The message of the gospel rang out from them as news spread of how their lives had been transformed.  We serve the living and true God – and we are awaiting the return of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  This fills us with hope and comfort, and enables us to live with joy, hope and faith in our Saviour Christ.

The gospel is powerful to transform our lives, and when it does, people notice.
Imagine if people said of our Church: they ‘turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he rescued from the dead – Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.’ (1 Thess 1:9-10).
Imagine if the gospel transformed our lives in such a way that people around noticed and were drawn to find out about this transforming power for themselves.
Yours in Christ,

Marriage isn’t easy

Last week Kate and I spent some time in Western Australia to celebrate our 20 year wedding anniversary! It was wonderful to celebrate, to enjoy some time just the two of us, and to explore a part of Australia neither of us had ever visited before.

Marriage isn’t easy – and it doesn’t always work out how we’d hoped – but it is important. If you’re married, it’s important to you, its important to your broader family and friends and to our entire community. Marriage provides stability and a natural support network for everyone within or around its web. But marriage isn’t everything. Marriage is reflective of the relationship between Christ and his Church and it is in every case, only a pale and poor reflection of the love of Christ.

If you are married, I believe you should invest in having a healthy and strong marriage relationship. If you aren’t married, you should invest in healthy friendships and making the most of the freedoms you have in singleness. All of us need connection and friendship, not all of us need to be married. All of us should strive to be content* in the situation God has put us in and to serve and love others in the family of God and the community in which we’ve been placed.

If you’re married, one way you could invest in your marriage is by participating in an upcoming marriage enrichment course – limited to 15 couples – Monday nights starting 29th April (

Yours in Christ,


*Some situations are not safe and we should escape them, don’t strive for contentment in an unsafe relationship.

Christ for the Coast

What seemed to be a typical Gong combined youth event with some snags and some games turned out to be much more. Last Friday, 30ish teenagers from Wilton Anglican Youth went down to a Wollongong combined youth event called “Christ for the Coast”. We all crammed ourselves into a mini-bus and a couple of cars and travelled to Figtree Anglican for the event.
The first thing we noticed: The traffic. The street outside the church was mistakable for times square (or Picton Road on a Sunday arvo). Next, we noticed the migration pattern. A dense and constant flow of happy youthy people walking through the gate of the church carpark. Next the smell of cooking onions and finally the sound of a noisy mob of over 700 youths. Seven hundred!
An hour of 9-square/jumping castle/silent disco/slushies/parkour/free t-shirts/sausage sizzle/ping-pong/buffoonery and then we all squeezed into the 650-seat auditorium where many were relegated to the floor at the front or the standing room at the back. A ten-piece band, an interactive stage show, Christian testimonies and prayers from high-schoolers, and then into a full-length sermon on Matthew 14 – Jesus Walks on Water. The preacher said: “Is Jesus worth trusting? It’s the biggest question you could ever
ask in this life. […] The truth is that Jesus is worthy of our trust! He’s worthy because he saves us, and he is the only one who can do that.” 
One of the girls in our group gave her life to Christ right there and then. Three more from our group recommitted to walking with Christ again. Many, many other young people made similar decisions. Understandably, we’re all still raving on and on about how good the night was. We’d like to ask our whole
church family to please pause and give thanks to our God – to pray specifically for the four who made deliberate decisions that night, and to keep praying for the growth of God’s vine among the young people of our area.
– Rev. Scott Williams (Assistant Minister)

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Christmas Service Times: 24 Dec 7pm @ Wilton, 9am 25 Dec at Picton and at Wilton. More details:

Wilton Carols 2024

Easter Service Times - come celebrate Easter with us!

Sundays 9am @ Picton; 10am and 5pm @ Wilton (both with Kids Program). Also livestreamed on YouTube.