At Picton and Wilton Anglican Churches, we are committed to the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare and safety of all people, particularly within our own community. As a church we take the teaching and leadership of children and young people seriously and we do all we can to provide an environment that is safe from any form of harm.
Ministry to children and young people is vibrant and exciting work, and also greatly significant to the life of the church. It is a service to the children and youth, the church family, and to God himself that offers great opportunities, but also carries significant responsibilities for the wellbeing of the children and young people in our care.
there are two aspects of this coming up that I want to draw your attention to:
1. If you are a parent / carer of (a) child(ren) in our programs, please complete our annual comprehensive permission note this year, if you haven’t already – due end of March.
2. We’d also love you to participate in our Safe Ministry Training so that you are equipped to work with children and young people in our Church (this isn’t the only requirement, but it is the most time consuming one). You could participate in the Face-to-Face Safe Ministry Training in Mittagong on 29th March. Or we will be helping both adults and junior leaders complete the online Safe Ministry Training on 30th March at Wilton Church. If you wish to participate please email [email protected] to let us know.
For more info about our approach to Safe Ministry please check out our website here:
Yours in Christ,