A Word of Thanks from Spiro at Compassion Australia:
“Thank you Picton/Wilton Anglican churches for your ongoing gospel partnership, bringing joy to the children, families and churches of Samar in the Philippines. Since last Sunday you sponsored another three boys and one girl who will be cared for and discipled by two of your partner churches. Almost 40 children are now sponsored by members of your three congregations. The day was also an encouragement to our volunteer speaker Michael, who enjoyed his time of fellowship and appreciated your warmth and generosity. After this experience, he has indicated his willingness to volunteer more often.
In coming months we hope to confirm a trip to Samar so that you will have an opportunity to visit your children and partner churches. Your church partnership coordinator Debbie Stein will keep you informed. Thanks to Debbie and Ben as well for their continued support for our partnership.
Another 6 profiles are in the hands of potential sponsors. Please don’t feel pressured, there is no obligation to sponsor these children, but do remember the QR code will work until June 23rd, and then each unsponsored child’s profile will be released to one of our other partner countries in order to find a sponsor.
God is good and Christ’s people are generous.
Your co-worker in Christ,
Spiro Cassis, Church Partnerships Manager, Compassion Australia.”
(Spiro came to visit us last year – see his smiling face below (with his wife)