All of us need to take care of our mental health, just as we do our physical and spiritual health. Our mental health will go through ups and downs and we’ll need to get professional help sometimes, just as we do regarding our physical health.

Whether it be anxiety, depression or other manifestations of poor mental health there are a range of ways we can get help, but the best first step is to connect with others. Healthy relationships with one another and with God gives us resilience to cope and are a good first line of defence.

On Sunday afternoon we were blessed to have Trinette Stanley, from Anglicare, present to us from both a medical and biblical perspective. She shared that with the right help and care someone with a life-long mental illness can live with good mental health and participate fully in life. She also introduced us to Rev Prof John Swinton (via Youtube), and encouraged us to think in terms of healing, not in terms of seeking a cure. Even though we may be suffering from illness (physical, mental or other) we can experience ‘healing’ or ‘shalom’ by being in right relationship with God, the creation and one another.

Trinette’s seminar has given us some tools and encouragement to help us in our mental health journey’s, and to support those among us suffering poor mental health or mental illness. I’ve already spoken to several people who have benefitted personally, including finding the courage to seek professional help.

If you want to find out more, please let me know. One great place to start if you want to get help and/or think some more about this topic is the Mental Health Resource Hub (, which aims to equip you to navigate mental health and wellbeing challenges within your Church community.

Yours in Christ,
