Have you ever thought about the impact it makes when someone deliberately makes a decision to come and sit next to you? 
Perhaps you can recall that time at the high school dance, where that special someone boldly strode across from the boys (or girls) side of the room to sit with you!  Or perhaps you remember the friend who came to sit with you for the bus ride on the way to school.  Sitting next to someone is more than just an act of physical proximity.

Where you sit at Church is also very important.  Not just for a good view, or to feel comfortable about being in the same spot each week, but for the sake of others.  Sitting next to someone lets them know you want to spend time with them and that they are important.  It speaks volumes to both a newcomer and a regular at Church when somebody deliberately makes a choice to sit with them.  Those of us who come to Church on our own will be especially helped by someone joining us, but at the same time we shouldn’t assume that a family grouping wants their ‘space’ more than our company.
When you arrive at Church each week, why not pray on the way in about who you might be able to sit next to and encourage or welcome.  Share with them how you’ve been encouraged by God and his word and ask them how they are going.  Of course there are plenty of opportunities to welcome and encourage one another after Church, but who you sit next to is an important decision.  Sit with love.
Being a welcoming Church is not just about who’s on the roster at the door – it’s about setting a culture of welcoming newcomers, seeking to build them up in Christ and incorporate them into our family.  It’s our responsibility – all of us.
Yours in Christ,
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.’ – Heb 10:25