Did you know that every week nearly a thousand children and youth in our local public schools are taught about God’s love for them in Christ and how to live as his disciples?
It’s an incredible joy to be part of this ministry myself, and also to see our volunteers faithfully and joyfully preparing and teaching in these classes. 
This year at Picton High School the Year 7, 8 and 9 classes have had a steadily growing attendance as they have learned about the Big Picture of the Bible and also about the life and work of Christ through the gospel of Mark. The lunchtime group have been focussed on thinking about what real love is – understood through the sacrificial love of Christ!  Jake Berry has been doing a great job with these classes, along with his trainee, Miriam.  I hope that you have been praying for this work and will pray for Jake and Miriam.
I want to present you with a great opportunity to further support this work:
During June, any donation towards the Wollondilly Schools Ministry Board will not only be tax deductible (as it always is), the first $10,000 donated before 25th June will also be doubled by campaign backers!  That means if you donate $100, it will be matched by a $100 donation from our campaign backers, and you get a tax deductible receipt for your donation!
All donations will support Jake’s ongoing teaching of Picton High School SRE, as well as paying for Primary School SRE resources.
To donate, simply go to this website: https://sre.org.au/wollondilly.
Yours in Christ,