We gather for Church services every Sunday 9am and would love you to join us any week. We hold traditional prayer book services, sing along to the historic pipe organ, and provide a quiet space for little kids to be themselves.

The 2016 Picton Flood & Recovery
Along with many businesses and residents of Picton, St Mark’s Anglican Church went underwater on the 5th June. The pews, and other furnishings floated up 2 metres in the air and then came down again as the water subsided, creating a muddy horrible mess and an unusable building. The historic 123-year-old pipe organ has swallowed a lot of mud and debris, and many of the headstones in the cemetery were badly damaged in the storm. It will be a long recovery and restoration process before the beautiful Church will reopen. We are thankful that it seems so far that this work will be covered by our insurance policy, we are also thankful for many volunteers who helped in the immediate clean up effort.
St Marks Anglican Church has stood for more than 160 years, and it will stand for many more centuries to come.
Here are some photos for your interest: