There are many faces serving faithfully behind-the-scenes at our Picton and Wilton congregations and Sandy Chad, member of Wilton 5pm, is one of them. Sandy has been committed to serving families of Playtime on Thursday mornings at Wilton Church as its lead coordinator since it started up in 2022, but last Wednesday, myself and the other co-leaders of Playtime gathered and said our grateful goodbyes as Sandy is stepping down from her role. “Working alongside other Christian women to bring God and happiness into the lives of the children and their parents and carers has been rewarding,” Sandy says. Equally rewarding was witnessing the development of the preschool-aged children who attend regularly, especially those who started Playtime as bouncy babies!  Sandy’s husband, Frank, has also been a mainstay of Playtime setting up and packing up each week, and sometimes providing the morning tea.

In the time it has been operating, Playtime has grown rather large. Starting as a small group of mostly local families, it now has families attending from various suburbs of the Wollondilly; a mix of those from Christian and church backgrounds and not. Sandy tells me that it could sometimes be tricky to get the balance right between providing enough Christian activities for the families who wanted them and not too much so as to turn non-Christian families away from coming back. (I’m sure my co-leaders will agree with me that Sandy’s warmth, and the personal attention and care she devoted to each child and carer, is undoubtedly a big reason why families keep returning each week.) However, it was always heart-warming to see children and carers of different backgrounds, ages and stages enjoying songs and stories in a circle together as Sandy led the children in making a joyful noise unto the Lord!

Something you might not know about Sandy: she is a retired teacher and says that she found fulfilment in putting her teaching skills to good use as a Playtime leader. I can attest to Sandy’s excellent organisation and planning skills – she put great thought into planning programmes, activities, excursions and even gifts for annual holidays that the children could take home. Sandy was also brilliant at remembering birthday gifts for our Playtime children, including the newborns! “She makes everyone feel welcome and valued,” a mother at Playtime expressed to me in praise of Sandy one Thursday morning. 

So what is next for Sandy, and for the future of Playtime, you might be wondering? “I already miss Playtime but I’m going to concentrate on more rehabilitation, which has taken a great deal longer than I expected,” Sandy says, speaking on her personal health challenges. “I’m also trying hard to read my Bible again as my stroke in November has adversely affected reading. I do listen to the Bible but it’s a real gift to be able to read it!”

As for Playtime, I am delighted to introduce its new lead coordinator, Abbey Stephens. For those who don’t know Abbey, she currently attends at Wilton’s 10am congregation and serves as a creche (and occasionally King’s Kids) leader. Abbey is fun, creative, and does everything effortlessly, and with infectious enthusiasm. She loves Jesus and is passionate about children’s ministries. (Abbey also has a pretty cool collection of pop culture earrings, I have to say.)  

Abbey is looking forward to “getting to know the other leaders more and hanging out with the different kids, which is a super joyful time.”

Please pray for Sandy, for Abbey and the other leaders as we minister to families at Playtime this term and beyond!

Yours in Christ,
Rachel Winn (W10 Church member and part of the Playtime team)