In January a group of our teenagers and some of our youth leaders went away to the Leaders in Training Conference (LIT). They came back enthusiastic and equipped to serve at Church, to teach the Bible and to encourage others in their life in Christ.

One of the youth was so excited about a seminar on youth and kids ministry that she wanted everyone else at Church to experience it for themselves. So we’ve invited Amanda Grace, the children’s minister at Shellharbour Anglican to run her seminar at Wilton Anglican Church this Sunday afternoon (16th June). We’ll be having lunch together at 12:30pm, followed by the seminar 1-3pm.

Amanda is passionate about children’s ministry and will be running a very practical seminar with lots of tips and tricks to help us in our ministry to children and youth. It’s so important for us to be investing in the next generation of disciples of Jesus Christ and I’m super proud of the team of leaders running our Kids and Youth Ministry: from SRE teachers, to mid-week group leaders to our Kings Kids programme! It’s a big effort and I know many of you put in a lot of hard work preparing and leading each week – thankyou! I pray you see the fruits of your ministry in a new generation of disciples growing up to know and follow Jesus Christ as Lord!

Everyone is welcome to the training seminar, but you need to RSVP to Jake so we can cater for everybody.

Yours in Christ,
