Kate and I went to the movies yesterday on my day off to see ‘Unsung Hero’ – and it was brilliant.  So encouraging to see a well produced Christian movie that deals with the reality of struggling with sin and pride and adversity and learning to pray and depend on God for everything.
It’s the true story of the Smallbone family – whose kids grow up to be famous Christian musicians ‘Rebecca St James’ and Joel and Luke Smallbone (‘For King and Country’).  The family are actually Australian and there are some great Aussie culture moments and jokes.  They move to America when the economic downturn of the 90’s makes it impossible for David (the Father) to find work in Australia.
My favourite moments in the movie were when one of the kids asks God to make things cheaper and seeing the Father figure humbled and forced to depend on God and others (in a healthy way).
I recommend you go and see the movie at the Theatre if you can, or when it comes out in other formats.
There’s a fuller review on the Sydney Anglicans website or in the May-June edition of the Southern Cross magazine from Church…
Yours in Christ,