Join us for ‘Compassion Sunday’ this weekend as we hear from guest speaker, Spiro Cassis! For more info about compassion go here:

My own compassion story…

We started sponsoring Agbessi in June 2014 when he was 5 years old (he’s now 14). We picked him out from the Compassion ‘line-up’ because he was in the middle of the ages of our children and we did it with them to help them practice showing the love of Jesus through care and generosity.

Agbessi lives in Togo with his parents and with 5 other kids in the house. He’s part of the Compassion program and because of Compassion he is able to go to school, in the equivalent of Year 7.

Our letter writing habits haven’t been great – but we do pray for Agbessi regularly and its been really beneficial for the kids to understand a bit about life in Togo, to not take their own circumstances for granted and to practice generosity in the name of Christ.

Our sponsorship allows the staff of the local Compassion project team in CDE Salut et Joie to provide Agbessi with Bible teaching, choir, hygiene and nutrition education, health screenings, nutritious food, games, field trips, community service opportunities, tutoring and educational materials. The centre staff also provide training for his parents.

We’re really thankful for all the work Compassion does for more than 2 million children world-wide and the impact it has made over the past 60 years releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

Yours in Him,
