Phil turned to me after our Easter Sunday service at St Marks last week and declared, ‘This is an historic occasion!’  It was the first time he has seen the mezzanine at St Marks needing to be used on a Sunday.  It is so exciting to see God at work gathering his people and building his Church in our midst.  Both our Churches have seen significant growth in attendance already this year.  All this is an answer to many faithful years of prayer for the growth of the gospel – let’s continue those prayers and continue the work of living for and proclaiming the good news of our Saviour Jesus.
Last Thursday a small subcommittee of our parish council began meeting to consider our options for future growth – focusing particularly on how to develop our Wilton Church site.  Please be praying for wisdom and God’s leading in this process, we will endeavour to keep you informed and involved.  If you have ideas or want to discuss this further please contact: Peter F, Glenn A, Milton L or myself.
Yours in Christ, Ben