Fathers Day is a great opportunity to celebrate the important role Fathers have in the life of the family.  Being a Dad isn’t easy – I can certainly attest to that.  It requires patience and love, endurance and self-control, gentleness and strength.  None of us are perfect in the role, but if we do our best to provide stability, love and godly leadership to our wives and our children then we are making an enormous contribution to the well-being of the family and to the health of our Church and society.
When God made humanity he made us male and female to complement each other.  Both equal and in God’s image, but each different and unique.  A man who rules over his family, who demands obedience or who uses strength or violence to get his way is not following Christ’s example.  Each Christian man is to strive to emulate the sacrificial love of Christ Jesus in laying aside his own needs to care for the needs of others.  In using his strength to love and serve with gentleness.
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” – Ephesians 5:25.