You may or may not have been counted by now in the Australian Census.  Satirical news sites jokingly announced on Tuesday morning that Australia now has only 48 citizens (because the rest of us experienced technical difficulties).  What we’re interested in here at Church isn’t counting you, but helping you make your life count.
Your life counts because you are part of something eternal and valuable – the glory of God and the growing and maturing of his people.  1 Corinthians 12 describes the Church as the body of Christ – and every person in it as uniquely valuable and significant.  You (every one of you) are a vital part of God’s Church in Picton and Wilton – we miss you when you can’t come, you encourage us by your presence, and every one of you brings your unique personality and talents to the team.
The aim is that we all grow up into Christ and become mature.  The body of Christ grows and builds itself up as each part does its work (Ephesians 4:16).
Yours in Christ,
