
PRESS RELEASE: 100 Shoe boxes filled with love

Wilton Anglican Church is aiming to send 100 gift filled shoe boxes through ‘Operation Christmas Child’ to children in extreme poverty throughout the world.

For most of these children the shoe box will be the first gift they have ever received – while many children in Australia will receive an abundance of gifts this Christmas.  It’s really easy to pack a shoe-box, and provides a great opportunity for the whole family to experience the joy of giving.

‘We participated in Operation Christmas Child last year, but this year we’re offering more people from the community the chance to join in,’ said Kate Bernoth, one of the organisers.

‘Residents of Wilton can simply log on to our Church website and fill out the form to request an empty Shoe box delivered to their door.  People further afield can pick one up from the Church on Sunday evenings, or just pack a regular shoebox according to the guidelines on the Operation Christmas Child Website,’ said Kate.

‘Once packed, the shoe boxes can be delivered to our Collection and Celebration Service at 5pm on the 6th November.  Or just delivered to the Church before that time.’

Pastor Ben Boardman said that ‘Christmas is a time of celebration and great joy – God’s great love is shown to us through the gift of Jesus coming into the world.  So it makes sense to be a season of gift giving and generosity.  We have received so much from God, and therefore we have a heart to give.’

Wilton Anglican Church meets 5pm every Sunday and is welcoming to all.

For more info and to participate in the program just go to: https://pwac.org.au/occ

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