Regular rest is so important – an opportunity to enjoy and give thanks for God’s blessings and to connect with the people we love.
Sometimes I find it hard to rest – even when I’m not working my mind is buzzing with Church things and people.  Part of me thinks that Church needs me more than it needs Jesus, and I can’t take a break or something will go wrong – this is sinful thinking.  
For many of us, our work feels important and worthwhile, which is great.  But its also important to rest in God’s grace and realise that God provides for my needs.  My contribution is important, but perhaps not as important as I think it is.
If you think about it, the goal of our lives is to enter the eternal rest that is ours in Christ (see Hebrews 4) – we work towards that goal by serving Christ, by loving our family and friends and by working hard to lead productive lives.  This is all good, but as humans we also need to cultivate regular habits of rest, giving thanks and recognising that God provides for our needs and we are dependent on him.