Last week we finished off our four week series on Prayer. What have you learned? Have you benefitted from the ‘Growing in Prayer’ Devotionals? I’d love to hear from you. Please share a brief encouragement or the thing that has helped / stood out to you most as we’ve reflected and hopefully been encouraged and challenged in our prayer lives over the past month.

I’ve already heard from a few people that they’ve really appreciated the devotional booklets, someone else told me that the suggestion for ‘prayer trigger points’ in your day was really helpful last week. Others still were encouraged to be praying for each other to have a ‘well-informed’ love for God in Christ.

What has helped or encouraged you? What have you learned? What have you been able to put into practice in your own prayer life?

Here are two other great resources you might like to look at:

Prayermate is an app you can get on your phone to help you pray.

A Praying Life‘ by Paul Miller is a wonderful and very readable book for developing your prayer life.

And of course, keep up reading along the ‘Growing in Prayer‘ Devotional Booklet – or grab a copy from Church if you haven’t started yet!

This Sunday Scott will be back finishing off our 2 Timothy sermon series – I can’t wait to see you there!

Yours in Christ,
