This week (Monday – Wednesday) Jake and I have been attending the MTS G8 Conference. It’s a national gathering to support and encourage people undertaking ministry apprenticeships (Jake), along with their trainers (me). Across Australia there are approximately 250 people at Churches and University Campuses undertaking a ministry apprenticeship – isn’t that so exciting.
In Matthew 9 Jesus says: ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ Even in our little patch (Picton and Wilton), we anticipate at least 50,000 people moving into our area over the next few decades, on top of those already living here who need to hear about Jesus Christ.
We need to be praying that God will raise up workers for this massive harvest field, and we need to be identifying and training these workers in answer to our own prayers. It’s important for all of us to ask, ‘How can I be involved in this task?’. Will you be praying? Will you be putting your hand up to serve? Will you be giving money to support Jake in his apprenticeship? There is nothing more important than helping people find life in Christ!
Yours in Christ,
Ben Boardman
Author: Ben (Page 5 of 36)
In our most recent National Church Life Survey, 75% of you (our Church members) indicated that you spend time in prayer, Bible reading, meditation at least a few times a week.
If you are spending any time in reflection or making resolutions this new year, let me encourage you to include a spiritual assessment. How are you going at depending on Christ? Do you seek to honour him in your everyday decisions? Are you continuing to grow in Christian character and the fruit of the Spirit? Are you encouraging others in their walk with Christ or to consider Christ? How are you serving God and his Church in this year ahead?
Regular Bible reading and prayer are the engine room of spiritual growth – improving your habits in this one area will have an enormous impact on your whole life. What goals might you set for 2024? If you’re not a reader, consider listening to a podcast or listening to the bible read – many Bible apps will read the Bible aloud to you.
Check out these articles for some Bible reading plan ideas:
We hope you can join us for one of our Christmas services!
Christmas is a time of great expectations – is Christmas lunch all that you hoped for? Did you pick the right presents to give to the nieces and nephews? Is your career as successful as your brothers? Have you done enough to please the mother-in-law? And so much more…
And with Christmas expectations comes Christmas disappointments. Whether we admit it or not, we often don’t measure up to our own expectations for ourselves, let alone others. But the heart of Christmas is not expectations – the heart of Christmas is the undeserved love and grace of God in Jesus Christ. He comes to give us love and acceptance despite the fact that we can’t live up to expectations.
This Christmas, whatever your expectations or disappointments, please know that you are loved by God and that Jesus has come so that you might know him and find full and eternal life in his name. This Christmas, come to Jesus and find hope, peace and purpose in Him.
What is your favourite Christmas Carol?
Are you sick of Maria Carey on repeat in the shops by the time Christmas comes around? Or do you wish you could sing carols right into January and beyond?
I love the carols rejoicing at our Saviours birth and marvelling at God’s love and the joy of Christmas. But I particularly love the Carols that acknowledge the difficulties of Christmas too… Lines like, ‘a weary world rejoices’ resonate with me as Christmas approaches – and ‘O Come O Come Emmanuel’ calling for rescue for God’s captive people, Israel.
Christmas is a time for joy – not the shallow joy of presents, or of Christmas lunch, that leaves us feeling bloated afterwards; but the lasting joy of knowing that our God is not far off and ignorant of our troubles, but has come near to dwell among us. A joy that fills us with comfort and hope on the good days and the bad, all year long.
I’m praying that this Christmas – with intermingled good and hard moments, you will be filled with the joy and comfort of knowing that God has come near. In love, he has sent his only Son, Jesus Christ into the world to redeem and rescue you.
As you read this (if you read it today, Wednesday), National Training Event is wrapping up and University Students are preparing to go on mission for a week to Churches like ours. The National Training Event (NTE) is an annual conference held in Canberra, bringing thousands of students and graduates together from across Australia and the world to be transformed by the gospel, trained in the gospel, and sent with the gospel.
In fact, 9 of them from the Sunshine Coast University are coming to join us this afternoon for a week of proclaiming life in Christ!
They’ll be sharing in our Bible study groups, helping run our Playtime, Kids Club and Youth Group, partnering with us at Wilton Carols, and sharing in our Church services on Sunday. Please take the opportunity to meet and get to know them, and to encourage them as they encourage you.
This is just another reminder that we are part of Christ’s Church, which extends far beyond the boundaries of Picton and Wilton. It’s also a great encouragement that God is raising up the next generation of leaders for his Church and he is powerfully at work in the lives of young people!
Today (Wednesday) we met with our Youth and Children’s Ministry Advisors from Youthworks (Matt and Tim) to discuss and review how our Church is going regarding Youth and Children’s Ministry.
It was really encouraging to see that Young people in our Churches are valued by everyone and being encouraged and discipled in their faith and also that we have a great team of godly and effective leaders. In fact, we were able to celebrate and thank God for a really effective ministry to and by young people in our Churches.
We also identified at least two areas that we need to work on and improve:
1) Equipping and partnering with parents in discipling young people.
2) Developing and clarifying leadership structures so that there are clear role descriptions and expectations as our Church grows and becomes more complex.
Please pray for Scott and Kate in particular as they lead our Youth and Children’s Ministry and as we seek to work on these areas together. It’s so great to reflect on how God is at work amongst all of us (young and old) helping us to find life in Christ!
Today, let me introduce you to the next exciting phase of our Church life together!
I call him Jake (well, that’s actually his name).
Jake represents the next exciting phase of our Church life together because he’s undertaking a two year Ministry Training Apprenticeship starting in January. We are a Church that strives to help all people find life in Christ and we do that by equipping our members to serve and love one another with the good news of Jesus. Our greatest asset is our people and we need to be investing in training and developing leaders across all areas of our Church life.
The Ministry Training Apprenticeship is not about what we can get out of Jake, its about giving Jake experience and training across a broad range of Christian ministry to help him consider how he might serve the Lord with his life.
You’ll recall that Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” – Matt 9:37-38. Would you join me in praying that the MTS programme will allow us to raise up and send out workers into Christ harvest field from among us?
It will cost approximately $50,000 to employ Jake as a Ministry trainee next year. Half of this will be paid for from our Church budget, the other half will be fundraised by Jake himself. You can support Jake by signing up to pray for him or by contributing to our MTS Support Fund.
Regular rest is so important – an opportunity to enjoy and give thanks for God’s blessings and to connect with the people we love.
Sometimes I find it hard to rest – even when I’m not working my mind is buzzing with Church things and people. Part of me thinks that Church needs me more than it needs Jesus, and I can’t take a break or something will go wrong – this is sinful thinking.
For many of us, our work feels important and worthwhile, which is great. But its also important to rest in God’s grace and realise that God provides for my needs. My contribution is important, but perhaps not as important as I think it is.
If you think about it, the goal of our lives is to enter the eternal rest that is ours in Christ (see Hebrews 4) – we work towards that goal by serving Christ, by loving our family and friends and by working hard to lead productive lives. This is all good, but as humans we also need to cultivate regular habits of rest, giving thanks and recognising that God provides for our needs and we are dependent on him.
The past few weeks I’ve been leaning a lot about home maintenance. I’ve learned how to cut to size and hang a new front door and I’ve learned to replace the innards of a toilet cistern. While I do feel a sense of accomplishment, these weren’t fun or exciting jobs (both had moments where I thought I couldn’t do it). Home maintenance isn’t fun, but it is necessary if you don’t want your house falling down around you.
Our spiritual lives also require regular effort: spending time practicing love and generosity towards others, even when its hard; establishing patterns of reading the Bible and praying or listening to it in the car on the way to work; creating space to serve God with the gifts he has given me; making decisions that put him first in my life; and praying that God be at work in me by his Holy Spirit to grow me as a Christian.
Of course, all this maintenance is worth it when you have a great house to live in – when you have a great life of hope in Christ that helps you persevere through the difficult days, peace which gives you contentment and joy, and purpose, since we are part of building God’s eternal Kingdom!
Life in Christ is the best! But it does require maintenance…
Over the next two months our Church is running several evangelistic events. These will be fun opportunities to make pizza, or a gingerbread house, or ink art. Great times to get together with our Church family. But that’s not why we run these events – they aren’t for you – they’re for the people you might invite. The only reason we run these events is so that you can invite your friends and family members to attend with you. Here are five quick tips to inviting friends to Christian events (from the mts blog*).
1. PRAY: Pray regularly for friends, their salvation and warm opportunities to introduce them to Jesus.
2. ACCEPT: Accept their invitations regularly. Make invitations and acceptance (and declines) a normal part of the relationship.
3. RELATIONAL: Relationships matter! Build deepening friendships with people.
4. THANK: Thank your friends for hanging out and for their invitations.
5. INVITE: It can be intimidating to invite a non-Christian to an event at Church, but making invitations is an important step for them to learn about Jesus.