Today (Ash Wednesday) begins the season of Lent.
Lent is the season of 40 days (not including Sundays) leading up to Easter and is often associated with fasting, repentance and acknowledging our need for God’s grace.
Traditionally, at an Ash Wednesday service you go forward to have the sign of the cross written on your forehead in ash.  As we prepare for Easter, it is confronting and humbling to recognise that Jesus died upon the cross at Calvary – he suffered in my place for my sins so that I might be forgiven and reconciled to God.
Fasting is a practice of self-denial in order to focus or discipline oneself.  Many people choose to refrain from using Facebook, or from eating chocolate or coffee, or from watching TV.  And while there is value in self-deprivation in developing self-control and discipline – I think its important that fasting directs us towards a positive cause, not just a negation.  For example, you could refrain from using Facebook or watching TV, and then use the time you would have been scrolling Facebook, to read your Bible and pray instead.  Or you could stop eating chocolate or paying for coffee and instead give the money saved to a charity or gospel cause.
However you choose to celebrate Lent, I pray that it helps you to appreciate and give thanks for Christ’s work of salvation through his death and resurrection so that we might have life in Him.
Yours in Christ,
Ben Boardman