Category: newsletter (Page 5 of 12)

God doesn’t get sick!

I hate being sick*. It doesn’t feel good, and its frustrating having to cancel things and let people down. But it’s a good reminder of my limitations and it helps me to rely on others. I’m weak and I’m fragile and I need to rest. And then I discover that the world doesn’t stop turning when I’m unable to contribute to it, which is both humbling and a huge relief. It’s OK for me to rest and recuperate.

God never gets sick. He never has to cancel his plans or postpone his promises. And its a good thing too, because the world really would stop turning without his sustaining it in motion.

In Psalm 3, King David feels vulnerable and weak and is literally under attack from his son Absalom, but he can rest because he is confident of God’s care:

‘I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.’ – Psalm 3:5.

In Christ,


*I’ve just got some sort of cold – frustrating, but not life threatening.

Wollongong Regional Conference

We* spent most of this week down at Youthworks Shoalhaven Conference centre meeting with all the Anglican Church leaders of the Wollongong Region of the Sydney Anglican Diocese.  It was such an encouraging time: hearing from 1 Kings about King Solomon’s successes and failures and God’s grace through it all; reflecting together on our constantly changing culture and the power and relevance of our unchanging gospel; and catching up with ministry colleagues from Churches around the region.
It was incredible on Wednesday morning to hear story after story of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ through these Churches and its awesome to be able to return to our Church, where exactly the same thing is happening.  Many are coming to our church services and are finding life in Christ with us!  
The only problem with a great conference, is that the normal things that have to be done each week get squeezed into just two days!  
In Christ,

*Kate, Scott and I all attended.

Training + Coffee = Be There!

This term we’re focussing on equipping ourselves to serve – and we’ve organised three special training seminars for you to participate in.

The first seminar is focused on Welcoming and Integration on Sunday 21st May 2-4pm at Wilton, by guest trainer, Craig Glassock. Craig will help us understand best practice in this area and develop our welcoming and integration ministry.

This is especially important as we anticipate welcoming hundreds of new people into our Church over the next few years as they move into our suburb and the area grows exponentially.

Sadly, it’s in transitioning to a new area or a new phase of life that people often drop out of the habit of going to Church, and then fall away from faith in Christ altogether over time. We have the opportunity to make an eternal impact by helping these people integrate into a new Church well and continue to grow in Christ. We also have the positive opportunity of helping people who don’t know Jesus yet, find life in Christ and become part of our Church family.

To help entice you to come along, Scott will be bringing along our new Church Coffee machine for its maiden voyage. Come at 1:30pm for a coffee before the training starts at 2pm.

In Christ,


Compassion Sunday

Join us for ‘Compassion Sunday’ this weekend as we hear from guest speaker, Spiro Cassis! For more info about compassion go here:

My own compassion story…

We started sponsoring Agbessi in June 2014 when he was 5 years old (he’s now 14). We picked him out from the Compassion ‘line-up’ because he was in the middle of the ages of our children and we did it with them to help them practice showing the love of Jesus through care and generosity.

Agbessi lives in Togo with his parents and with 5 other kids in the house. He’s part of the Compassion program and because of Compassion he is able to go to school, in the equivalent of Year 7.

Our letter writing habits haven’t been great – but we do pray for Agbessi regularly and its been really beneficial for the kids to understand a bit about life in Togo, to not take their own circumstances for granted and to practice generosity in the name of Christ.

Our sponsorship allows the staff of the local Compassion project team in CDE Salut et Joie to provide Agbessi with Bible teaching, choir, hygiene and nutrition education, health screenings, nutritious food, games, field trips, community service opportunities, tutoring and educational materials. The centre staff also provide training for his parents.

We’re really thankful for all the work Compassion does for more than 2 million children world-wide and the impact it has made over the past 60 years releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

Yours in Him,


A World that Knows Jesus

This weekend we have the privilege of a visit from our new link missionaries, Craig and Lisse, along with their children. This is an important time, as we only get this opportunity once every three years.

I can’t wait to get to know them better and to learn more about their plans to serve in the international Church in the Middle East.

The nations are coming into the Middle East and going out again. And they’re taking the gospel with them! Please pray for God to make Jesus known across the world through the church and college.

Our focus as a Church should not just be on ourselves – the gospel compels us to lift our eyes to see the world around us that needs Jesus. That’s why we’re starting a Wilton Morning Congregation, so that more people in Wilton can find life in Christ. That’s why we’re concerned about people in the Middle East knowing Jesus. Because Jesus is Lord, we want more people to find life in him, the life that only he can bring!

Please join us this Sunday to meet Craig and Lisse. Some things are confidential, so not everything will go out on the YouTube livestream this week.

Yours in Christ,


Humans of PWAC #1

“I came out from England in 1949 at the age of 9, soon to turn 10. I went to Mowbray Park, serving 9 years as a Doctor Barnado’s Homes boy, after previously spending 3 years in England at a home for boys (my two brothers and I). My sister was sent out and was adopted. Another brother died on the operating table during the Second World War. I was a very accepting child – because I knew nothing else. Everything that happened to me was “normal”. Nothing else, just normal. During wartime we had a lot of bombing around us. Quite a few people lost their lives. Quite often we were taken to air raid shelters, to shelter from the bombing. Churches were the object of the Nazi bombing. So, we never, ever went to church. Never heard about God or Jesus at all. I typically spent my time during my youth looking for food. We would walk the streets, and if any bushes had anything that looked like food we would take that and eat it, no matter what. There was one time when we hadn’t had much to eat and I found a moldy crust in the yard and I picked it up and ate it… and was sick as a dog afterwards!

Growing up, we had to be Anglican, or Church of England, before we were accepted into Doctor Bernando’s homes. We never went to church, so I have no idea what religion we were supposed to be. (Today) Jesus means everything. He’s my rock. Two of my children attend church regularly. The other two don’t.

I’m passionate about mentoring young students in high schools. I mentor in Picton High School and Mount Annan High School, a total of 3 days a week. I’ve been doing that for 16 years. It’s fantastic because those things that I’ve experienced going through the system at the boys’ homes helped me a lot to understand where the students are at nowadays. An awful lot of students nowadays are in dire straits, simply because of abuse, suicide, and students’ mothers and fathers in jail because of drug offences or murder, or whatever. I look after those students and I also get them out of the bubble that they’re in, that it’s all about “me, me me”, and get them to share their life.

What does church mean to me? Church means brotherhood, and sisterhood. I love coming to church to hear the sermons, to sing (I’ve done a lot of singing in my life) and to be with people. And hopefully, to share my points of view.”

— John Bicknell, member of 9:30am @ St Mark’s Anglican Church, Picton.

* This is the first in a series of articles by Rachel Winn (member of St Mark’s, Picton), helping us to get to know other Church members. *

Merry Christmas!

Do you realise that the birth of Jesus Christ was not his beginning? And I don’t just mean that he had already spent 9 months in Mary’s womb.

The incredible thing about Christmas is not just the birth of a cute baby who would do incredible things. It’s also the fact of who Jesus is. He is the eternal Son of the Father, second person of the Trinity, Creator of the Universe, as we read in Colossians chapter 1:

“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

Colossians 1:15-17

It is incredible that the eternal Son of the Father would come down among us out of love, as we read in Philippians 2:

“He did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death — even death on a cross!”

Philippians 2:6-8

Praise God for his Son Jesus Christ, God become man on Christmas day, so that man might be redeemed back to God!

Yours in Christ,


birthday visits

I was speaking to some ‘oldies’ in a Retirement village this week and they were lamenting the fact that [some of] their children only come to visit them for their birthday. ‘Just come anytime,’ they said. I’m ashamed to say that I most frequently call my parents when I need something (babysitting?) – but I love them and I want to spend more time with them. Sadly, we often relegate the ‘oldies’ in our lives to the occasional birthday visit, instead of being involved regularly in each others lives.

Is that the sort of relationship you have with Jesus? You turn up for his birthday (Christmas), but don’t ever see him or even call him up (prayer) in between times?

Jesus doesn’t resent your visits at Christmas time – he loves to see you. But he has so much more to offer if you’ll live your whole life with him in mind. In fact, Jesus promises his disciples in Matthew 28 – ‘and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’

If we become one of Jesus disciples we have the blessing of his promised Holy Spirit, and we have the wonderful promise of eternal life in him. Don’t relegate Jesus to just a ‘birthday visit’.

Yours in Christ,


Wilton Anglican Church is growing out of one and growing into two.

Some welcome it. Others resist it. Still others haven’t noticed. Let me tell you plain and clear: Our church is growing. In the mere 4 years I’ve been connected with Wilton Anglican Church I’ve seen so much growth.

The church has grown. The suburb has grown. The kids and youth ministry has grown. The petrol price has grown. Wilton Christmas Carols has grown. The traffic has grown. The roster has grown. But best of all, gospel ministry in and among us has grown as God has worked in us to glorify himself and grow his kingdom.

And so, with all this growth comes change. Good change. Soon, our Wilton Anglican Church will grow out of one and grow into two in 2023. It’s still early days but we thought it was a good time to share with you our plans for the launch of a Wilton morning service in 2023.

In some ways, growing from one Wilton congregation into two is the plan – not to cut ourselves in half, nor to be stretched twice as far and neither to be spread half as thin – but to healthily and faithfully grow from one into two. More foundationally than that, we’re aiming for every single one of us (whatever church service you call home) to grow up together in Christ to face the challenges ahead of us, and to faithfully bring the gospel to a world that desperately needs Jesus.

Here’s the nuts-and-bolts plan that we’re moving ahead with for a Wilton morning congregation in 2023:

  • January to February – Gather a Wilton Mornings Team
  • March to June – Meet as a team regularly to pray and plan
  • July to September – Final preparations for launch
  • October – Launch Wilton Mornings

So, what now? Please pray, dear reader. Prayer warriors, bible study groups, congregational pray-ers – please pray that we would healthily and faithfully grow out of one and into two. Pray for the gathering of a launch team. Pray that we might reach our neighbours with the gospel, and love our neighbours like Christ, and for many, many more to find life in Jesus.

Yours in Christ,



How do you prepare for Christmas?

For many of us its a mad scramble to finish off projects at work, buy the presents, arrange the food, plan the end of year parties. Sometimes the mad scramble distracts us from what Christmas is all about. We call this season Advent because it is a time of preparing to celebrate Christ’s birth, and also of putting life in perspective and being prepared for Christ’s second coming.

Lets make the most of this advent season by reflecting, reading, praying and giving thanks for our Saviour Christ and preparing our hearts for his return.

Here are a few resources that you might choose to use this advent:

– Youthworks are putting together some advent devotionals (

– Grab an Advent book, such as The One True Story, by Tim Chester (

– Instead of Mariah Carey (or maybe as well as) – listen to a Christian Advent Playlist (

– Pick a Christian Advent Calendar to use with your household (like this ‘Names of Jesus’ one –

If you have used some other resources that you recommend, I’d love to hear about it.

I look forward to singing with you once again on Christmas Day:

‘Joy to the world, the Lord is come!’

Yours in Christ,


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Christmas Service Times: 24 Dec 7pm @ Wilton, 9am 25 Dec at Picton and at Wilton. More details:

Wilton Carols 2024

Easter Service Times - come celebrate Easter with us!

Sundays 9am @ Picton; 10am and 5pm @ Wilton (both with Kids Program). Also livestreamed on YouTube.